How To Make Money With KDP
KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing) offers the possibility to publish your books for free on Amazon worldwide. The publishing process is free of charge for you, you just need to upload your content (including a cover!) to the platform and that’s it! KDP comes with a variety of useful tools and features, like sales tracking for example.
You can publish almost everything with KDP - low content, medium content, high content. But keep in mind, that others will do that as well, so some uniqueness is needed to make your books sell.
While I see recommendations to publish as many books as possible I’d advise going for quality, not quantity. Publishing with KDP is easy, so there are tons of low-quality books on Amazon that get published and pile up. You don’t wanna be one of those authors that just push out meaningless products.
Of course, you can try the “more is more”-approach and you’ll probably get a couple of sales here and there and the more books you have, the more it will add up but this is by no means a sustainable strategy. You’ll just hustle yourself to exhaustion and this doesn’t serve anyone.
My personal approach is to create products that I’d be willing to pay money for myself. Quality over quantity. But the best thing is - once your book is published, it will stay on the market (unless you un-publish it) and every published book can turn into passive income!
Your first steps into the KDP business can be to brainstorm if you have any unique skills or special knowledge that you can utilize to create books about and around it. For example, you might be a hobby gardener. What about creating a garden planner (low content) or describing your strategies to get the best growth out of your favorite flowers (high content)? Or let’s say you’re in a sports club. Think about which kind of planner your team would want to have, maybe a book to keep track of gym sessions?
The best products can be created when you know a lot about your target group. Most people want to make their life easier and more comfortable so they are willing to spend money on products that will help with that. Keep that in mind when creating your first low content books, maybe start with notebooks! Even in those times of digital-everything people still want to write things down on paper - and notebooks with funny covers make great gifts as well!
Get started somewhere. Your first creations don’t have to be perfect, it’s more about learning-by-doing. With each low content book you created and upload to KDP you’ll learn a bit more about the design process, about which keywords to use, about writing article descriptions.
Don’t get discouraged if you are not creating bestsellers right now. Good